Friday, December 03, 2010

Quick thoughts on food
Our diets have taken a strange turn in the past few weeks. 
I, for one, would prefer to eat nothing but meat and fatty food.   I think about bacon constantly.  For lunch today, I ordered and devoured my very first double bacon cheeseburger ever.  Not only did I eat it faster that you would believe possible, but I almost immediately wished that I had another one.  I exercised an immense amount of willpower and did not get a second burger.  I went home and ate tortilla chips dipped in sour cream instead.
At the same time, the girls are fixated on vegetables.  Broccoli, green beans, you name it.  I never in my life would have imagined a parent actually saying to a child at the dinner table: "If you want more broccoli, you have to eat some of your steak."  This happens, with some variation (with green beans and chicken, for example) several times a week.  Maybe there is some sort of nutritive osmosis at work here, and the kids and I just have to balance out between the three of us somehow.

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