Monday, January 05, 2009

Since everyone else is doing it... I should do it too, right?

I am going to TRY to do a blog to keep long distance friends and family up to date on our newly extended family. We'll see how I do! I should also mention that I am still figuring out how to work our video camera (yes, we have had it for almost 3 years), and rarely take pictures (that is why there are grandmothers with cameras). So don't expect too much :)
I am still working on a formal birth announcement to mail out, but here are the basic stats:
Noella Ruth was born on Tuesday, December 23 at 4:53 AM.
She weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz, and was either 20 1/4 or 21 1/4 inches, depending on which paper you believe (the hospital had both). Given how well she fills out her clothes, I am going with 21 1/4.
At her one week checkup, she was already up to 8 lbs 3 oz- definately growing!
On Noella's day 13, we have a lot of changes. After two weeks of all being home together, Mariel is now back at preschool in the morning, Patrick is back at work, and I am back to my dissertation (oops- which I should be doing instead of creating this blog!). At the moment, Noella is cooperating and taking a catnap. Hopefully this will be a trend!