Assorted events in Holden's first 6 weeks
Here is a run down of some recent and not so recent events.
Not so recent:
Early baby baths at about a week and a half old.
First "playdate" at 10 days old. It mainly involved sleeping for the babies.
His first trip to the zoo:
Some sisters were more interested in having their picture taken than others...(you may note that many of these firsts seem to involve being asleep in his stroller)
And the most recent event: A "Sip and See" Party in Holden's honor, held at our neighbor's house last night. Lots of sips, delicious food, and generous gifts of lots of diapers and wipes.
There were even monogrammed cookies!
We look good together, don't we?
Mariel also had her first week of summer camp: Princess Camp at a local community center. Their "coronation" was on Friday, and involved a crowning and recital. The Princesses lined up for their performance...
There was choreography, although the girls did appear at times to be doing their own dances (or, in the case of one princess, laying on the floor).
Here is Mariel receiving her crown, which she designed herself.