Too much fun this weekend. On Saturday morning we went to ballet class for Mariel-with a friend! It does not get better than that.(
http://www.morestrawberry.com/2010/01/just-perfect.html). Saturday night was dinner out for me, with my own friend. At a wine bar. If you know me, you know how happy the combination of a good friend and good wine make me. Did I mention there was delicious cheese, too? Heaven. (
http://www.robustwinebar.com/). Church for me and Mariel this morning. I have many internal struggles about how I feel about religion, but I dearly love the calm comfort of Mass and its routine on Sunday morning. Its a church filled with young children, and Mariel goes with many of them to the Children's Liturgy... so I (and the other parents) actually get to sit and take in that calm comfort. (
http://www.holyr.org/) This afternoon I took Mariel ice skating at the Webster Groves Rec Center. I would have taken pictures except that seemed potentially dangerous for all involved, particularly my camera. She did very well, and even after only an hour (and three total times around the arena) we are both totally worn out. (
http://webstergroves.org/index.aspx?nid=197). Noella spent the weekend perfecting some new tricks, mainly involving hiding things in the kitchen garbage (such as her washcloth, or clean diapers, or anything else that seems suitable). The laundry basket is also a good hiding spot (we spent much of the weekend searching for her favorite bunny, which was eventually found in the bottom of the laundry bin in my room). This afternoon, she branched out to the toilet (the poor bear in question is fully washable and went right into the washing machine). A lot of adventure and discoveries for her!
And Patrick? He pretty much worked all weekend, both from home and the office. So he is tired too, but for different reasons.