Hey Big Boy!
Holden turned 3 months old on Wednesday. Here is he- running a mile a minute. His little legs don't seem to stop much, unless he is alseep. He is crazy in the bathtub- his kicking splashes the entire bathroom (and the parent and siblings giving him a bath). His unofficial weigh in via our bathroom scale: 16 lbs. He is a VERY big boy!
And tall, too- here is a better picture with him measured up to Puffalump.For a comparison, here is Noella at 3 months:
And a gratuitous shot of Noella today (with an excellent shampoo mohawk sculpted by her father)
Meet the Teacher!
Mariel had the meet the teacher day at her school on Thursday- we walked over with our friend, Simon, who is also starting school. They are not in the same classroom, but I think that both (very talkative) children will make some new friends in no time. Preschool Graduation!
On the same afternoon, Downtown Childrens Center had the Preschool Gradution Carnival to celebrate those kiddos moving up. Here is Mariel's class with their very energetic (and patient!) teachers, Hillary and Lindsey.Noella got to come and enjoy the big kid crafts, too.
Tune in next week, for the first day of "big kid" school!