Sunday, May 15, 2011

40 weeks
Holden Thomas Flaherty was born on Tuesday, May 10 at 11:46 am.  He was 7 lbs, 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.  He was officially at 39 weeks, 2 days and in a dramatic reversal from past pregnancies, I practically begged the doctor to induce my labor.  This time around it was 13 hours of labor after the pitocin drip (compared to 9 for Noella and 26 for Mariel), and the "easiest" of the three.  Not to say that it was in any way pleasant or painless, just that it was easier to manage than the others.  Knowing it is my last time probably helps.
So, for the first time a 40 weeks picture with the baby already in it!  I am much happier with him on the outside!  He is a beautiful baby, perfect and healthy in every way that we can tell.  So far he seems to have a nice disposition, but as he is only 5 days old he might still be waking up.  He really enjoys eating, which seems like a good sign.  His big sisters both adore him, which is wonderful to see. Noella was a bit nervous in the hospital, and on her way out after first meeting him she asked if he could be put back in my belly.  This made me a little bit nervous, but once we came home she has been enthralled with "her baby" and keeps wanting to hold and kiss him.  Mariel, of course, has been in love for months already.
So, with Cutie Pie's arrival blogging may slow down a bit... but it is for a good cause!