Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Budding Picasso, Part 2

One of the (many) things that I never thought about before having kids of my own was how suddenly they move into new phases.  And how quickly this becomes so normal that it is easy to forget that it was ever any other way.  So I wanted to put up an example of Mariel's new art phase, since I had blogged about her artistry before.  For just a few weeks now she has been making little stick people when she draws.  I have no idea how it happened or where she got this skill from (maybe Babci showed her?  It wasn't me!).  Truly, they just started popping up every so often.  Here is one portion of her epic, poster board sized drawing from this afternoon.  That is her, and on another part of the board was Noella, the tiniest little stick figure and face that I ever saw.
She is also starting with limited letters and numbers- right now, she can write M and W and the number 1 (which I suppose we could also count as the letter I or lowercase L, but she insists that it is a 1).  Today we practiced A, so we'll see if that comes up again.