Happy (almost) Birthday Noella!
We celebrated Noella's birthday with a small party on Thursday. It was fairly simple (pizza- aka "pit-sey"- salad, and cookies) and very fun. I have some cute pictures that blogger is not letting me upload to the website, so you can imagine Noella's angelic and sauce smeared face until the application decides to work again. The official day is the 23rd, so there will be another celebration soon.
I submitted the last of my grades for the semester on Friday afternoon, and am enjoying a few deep breaths before diving back into work for the next semester. I have even watched two entire movies this weekend, and only checked my email about twice a day. Strange.
I always get nervous to see emails from students after I post their grades, generally expecting messages that read "Hey %#*@&, why the *&^# didn't I get an A?" I was so genuinely pleased to open the emails (at least so far) and read messages along the lines of "Thanks and have a nice break!" I'll take messages like that any day!