Happy Halloween!
I flew back Sunday morning after a quick getaway to Florida with friends from college. It was a lovely (and warm!) weekend with lots of relaxing and eating. As much as I would have liked to stay, I had to be home for Halloween night.
We had a fairy princess (of course) and a pig. For the past two weeks, every time that Noella put on her pig costume or even saw her costume she ran around yelling "MOOO!" and laughing hysterically. Of course, as soon as I tried to document this via video, she reverted to "OIK." Still cute, but definately not as funny.
We went to our neighbor's house for dinner and a little costume party. There were multiple princesses, all with nice coordinating outfits.
Our favorite part of halloween here is the joke telling that all the kids do to get their treats. Mariel insisted on a fairy joke:
What is a fairy called when she has not taken her bath?
We did not have a true favorite of the night this year. The two most popular jokes of the year:
How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
Poke her face.
Why did the football coach go to the bank?
To get his quarter back.
And the winner for the most inappropriate joke of the night (told by a girl I would guess to be about 8)
Why couldn't the witch have any children?
Because her husband had a hollow weiner.