The Misguided Pilots of the St. Louis
One of our family's favorite Christmas gifts came from my cousin, a helicopter pilot. It was technically a gift to our children, but we all know that it was really for Patrick. It is our very first remote controlled helicopter. Mariel named it "the St. Louis" and we have spent some time outside trying to learn to work our new toy. This generally means that Patrick or I work the remote, Mariel and Noella scream in excitement, the other spouse yells encouragement and/or directions, the dogs cower, and Holden cries at the general commotion.
Patrick and I have been aided in our journey as "Copter drivers" (Noella's term) by our handy "Helicopter Using Instruction."
The poorly translated directions have been less than helpful, but very amusing. The instructions also randomly refer to the helicopter as a plane. For example, we are told that: "Player should stand aside as the plane in the process of charging." and "Do not throw the battery pack into fire for avoid explode."
The flying directions are even more helpful.
Oh, well that explains it.
Patrick and I have had a lot of fun playing with this new toy (don't worry, the kids have too). We have had to put our training on hold during the frigid and windy St Louis weather this week, as the directions clearly call for flying on "windless asunny day." Once we get our windless asunny day, the St. Louis will fly again.