Thursday, January 10, 2013

Language Lesson

The girls take great pride in helping their brother learn to say new words or to improve his pronunciation.  It is always quite interesting to hear where the lessons go.  Today, on the car ride home, it sounded like this:
N: Holden, say Grandma!
H: Pampy.
N: No, not Grampy.  Say GRANDMA!
H: Pampy.
N: (sigh) Ok.  Say Papa.
H: Papa!
N: Say Babci.
H: Babci!
N: Say Grampy.
H: Pampy.
N: Mom.
H: Mama!
N: Dad.
H: Daddy!
N: Grandma.
(Noella emits a loud sigh of despair.  I myself was a big sister once with a brother who did not always follow my lessons, so I totally understood her sentiments there.) 
N: Fine.  Holden, say onion peel.
H: Nun un pee?
N: Good! Now say driveway!

Then, sadly, we arrived home so I did not get to hear where this new train of thought would go.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Future Christmas Hits

It was a lovely and exhausting Christmas break.  One of the most amusing parts has been listening to Noella's exhuberant renditions of what are sure to be Christmas classics.  At times our house sounds like one of the Saturday Night Live spoofs of commercials for must-have holiday albums.

Jack the Holly  (aka Deck the Halls)
Jack the holly for the season, fa la la la la, la la la la...

Thomas the Snowman (aka Frosty the Snowman)
Thomas the Snowman, had a folly jolly nose...

Rudolph Knows (aka Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer)
Rudolph knows the reindeer...