Saturday, October 02, 2010

A sampling of the quilts of the summer...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meramec State Park
We spent last weekend at Meramec State Park with a group of friends and a lot of small children.  It was fun, loud and exhausting.  A nice part of the "plan" is that while there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to get together, there is also lots of time for people to split up and do what they want.  Saturday morning we did just that.
Noella and I went for a hike in the woods
Patrick and Mariel went fishing on the river
And then  the four of us hung out by the river.  The girls spent a lot of time throwing rocks in (apparently much more satisfying than fishing).
Later in the afternoon, the kids and parents tie dyed shirts, socks, handkercheifs, you name it.  This is the start- more clotheslines were added as the afternoon progressed.
 Later we went for a 90 minute tour of a cave.  It was good exercise and a bit of an adventure- a lot of tight spaces to get through, especially for me with Noella strapped to my back! 
There were three girls around the age of four on the trip, and they spent a lot of time hanging out and coloring in the play tent.  Don't let the tent fool you- we really stayed in beautiful cabins!