Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Why I love having kids...
Mariel is in her room for "quiet time" (which has replaced nap time in order to give her a chance to decompress and me a chance to remain sane). I am in the next room on my computer, listening to her play and talk to herself. She makes up great stories, often laughing at herself (or her imaginary friends?). Today she is rhyming, going through lists of words and coming up with rhymes for them> "Wumpy Mumpy," "Umbrella Mumbrella," "Tree Dee," "Huckleberry Suckleberry."
This morning she spent time with paper, a pencil, and sticky notes making a map for us to get to ballet class this afternoon. (Side note- we have found the trick to leaving happily. It is all about bribery. If she leaves nicely she gets a lollipop).
It is fun to see joy in tiny things, and beauty in the moments that I would otherwise rush past. On our walks to and from her preschool she likes to pick out flowers and leaves. This morning, she was so proud because she waved at people in a car driving past and they waved back at her.
Of course, sometimes a precocious 3 year old is a bit much. Such as her recent attention to the "stripes" on my face.