Friday, November 26, 2010

Here is a brief run down of our Thanksgiving, in pictures.  There is no pictorial evidence of tantrums, fights over baby dolls, or me falling asleep on the couch at 6:30, which I am sure means that none of those things happened.
Morning craft project (with a very serious Noella):
 Mariel's turn:
 Some of the results:
 Another project:
 Snack/ lunch during the Patriots' game.  Mariel ate most of the cranberry goat cheese, Noella focused on the gorgonzola.  Patrick and I got a few bites in, too.
 The girls.  And yes, if you are one of the few people that Mariel did not insist on calling to tell the news, that is snow outside.  We went from tornado warnings in the middle of the night to snow in the afternoon.  
 Relaxing and cuddling in front of the TV.  This was actually an affectionate moment, as opposed to our normal wrestling. 
 A (not so great) photo of the Thanksgiving table.  The ghostly hound in the background is Hudson, wondering how she can get her share.
Happy Holidays!

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