Monday, April 26, 2010

Delayed action Kool Aid
Starting tomorrow, we are going to go gluten free for Noella.  Her eczema has gotten so much worse and is now overwhelming me, but is not being seen as something treatable by her pediatrician.  While we were in Chicago this weekend (great time, by the way) she was incessantly scratching her poor little wrists, and her legs and arms have been covered in blotchy red patches for weeks. 
I grasp the medical idea that eczema is not caused by food allergies, but I have not had any indication that her pediatrician's office understands that it can be triggered by food allergies.  Being a well trained researcher, I have been doing some work and am fairly convinced that allergies are at least a reasonable possibility.  Since we are clearly not on the same page here, and I do not want to be forced into using steroids on my 16 month old child, I am going to try some alternative therapies. 
First, cut out wheat and gluten to see if helps with the itching.  If it makes no difference, on to to the other usual suspects, such as dairy.  I don't see how this can harm her (she has been way down on her diary since her stomach bugs, anyway) and it just may help.  Second, I made an appointment with a homeopathic doctor to see if they have other suggestions in terms of how to monitor and control other potential triggers.  I am not really interested in medicines or supplements (Western, Eastern, or herbal), but I do want to see a medical practitioner who is willing to consider environmental or food allergies in relation to her skin issues and help me figure out how to reduce that exposure. 
So, now that we have left Shining Rivers and the gung ho Waldorf devotees it seems that they have gotten to me.  Patrick has declared me a hippie freak, I just spent $100 on gluten free groceries (less exotic than it sounds, as potatoes, corn chips, and apples are also included in that category!), and I am taking my toddler to a homeopath.  Perhaps I will start dressing us all in organic cotton next week...and as I write that, even in self-mockery, I think, hmmm... that might be good for her skin...


Jason Martin, CFA said...

Ann- I've gone GF several times, once while nursing Cole who was so fussy and colicky. A great website is she's such a great writer that I still follow her blog. Quinoa is a wonderful GF grain we started using alot, high in protein. Hoping she gets some relief, and kudos to our hippie mama friend out west, thinking outside the box! xox sharon

The Haskin Family said...

I always learned in school that the most common manifestation of food allergies is skin changes....hmm....Go for it and good luck. Maybe seeing an allergist for some testing? She is old enough to do a pretty reliable blood test:)