Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Seriously, people.

After a day of doctor check ups (no problems, just realized I have not seen a doctor in a year!), I have a message for the assortment of nursing staff that I encountered today:

Yes, I am still nursing my 15 month old.  This is ok.  Breastfeeding a child past one year - or even two years- of age is recommended by pediatricians, by the World Health Organization, and pretty much every medical group that does research on maternal or pediatric health.  This is good for her health, her immunity to disease, her brain development, her metabolism, and her sense of security.  This is good for me, reducing my chances of diabetes and many cancers. 
Yes, my records are right that I have not had a period since March 2008 and this is also perfectly fine (and possibly beneficial).  And yes, she does have teeth, and eat other foods.  And talk and walk.  And drink out of a cup.  But once or twice a day, she nurses. 
In fact, dear nursing staff of assorted doctors' offices, your employer(s), the very doctor(s) who saw me today, support my continued nursing as a positive decision and (as long as I take my calcium and iron) as very good for all involved.  So, rather than looking at me as though I have two heads or possibly (gasp) a child hanging from my nipple as I walk around your office, you should be applauding me for extended breastfeeding.  Thank you, dear nurses, for your understanding.
Your lactating patient.


Jason Martin, CFA said...

yeah mama!!! Go go go- you are awesome, the staff need to be educated at that office. I nursed Cole til 18m and still miss it. Your daughters are so lucky to have you, keep it up! xoxo sharon

Strawberry said...

OBVIOUSLY. People are dodos.

Jen said...

Good for you, Anne! It is a strange world in which breast feeding is somehow equated with pornography or abuse.