Saturday, February 20, 2010

Trying to maintain perspective...
I have highschool classmates in Iraq and Afghanistan, away from their children, their worlds, their security. One of Mariel's friends is in the Children's Hospital with cancer... so finding new child care is not the worst situation in the world, even if it feels awful.  This is what I am telling myself. 
It was a better day- we found a good in home daycare near us that could be a reasonable transition place, safe, comfortable, very impressive.    I did not (although I did want to) cry on the woman's shoulder, but I felt somehow better about her because I think that I could have.  Still, it is so hard to decide whether or not it is "right" when I have absolutely zero confidence in my ability to judge what is "right" for my kids at the moment. It was a crazy day of visiting home daycares and more calling on the phone to various people.  Emotionally draining in way that I can't figure out how to put into words.  Mariel enjoyed the visits, which made it easier on all of us.
It was also a strangely warm day- highs in the 50s.  Mariel and I took some time (while Noella was napping in between our "visits") to go outside and play.
 After a little while, she kicked off her boots, took off her tights, spread out the towel we brought out to dry things off from melting snow, and said she was sunbathing on the beach. 
Supposed to snow tomorrow.

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