Monday, August 26, 2013

Wild Women

I took the girls camping on their first official camping trip this weekend.  We went to the very lovely Hawn State Park about an hour and a half south of us.  The girls loved the experience, and although it was a very hot and sticky weekend we were able to cool off in Pickle Creek several times.
Their favorite things (as reported by them):
splashing in the water
falling in the water and getting all wet
chasing bugs
collecting wood for (and tending) the fire
hiking (depending on the moment, this is either a favorite thing or a thing to never do again)
wildflower picking
meeting new friends on the campground
sleeping under the stars
learning how to poop in the woods on our hike (ok- this actually gets top billing from them, but it seemed hard to lead with when I was typing)
 As for me, I had a good time as well.  I did not sleep quite as well as the two sleep-wiggling creatures I was sandwiched between in the tent, but it was certainly worth it.
Even after a few years, I still remember how to set up a tent and cook over a camp stove.  I did apparently forget how baffling it is to many people that women and girls are capable of - and even interested in!- camping on their own.  I got several perplexed looks when parents of other kids on the playground realized that I was there with the kids and no one else.
It has been so many years since I was a 12 year old girl heading out on my first backpacking trip with the girl scouts and then on trips the following years.  I knew, even then, that we were learning independence, self - reliance, and outdoor skills.  I readily admit that I still look back on lessons learned during those many trips.  I guess I am just now learning to appreciate how special those experiences were in the context of most girls' growing up and coming of age.  So, along with learning how to poop in the woods and how to choose good kindling for a fire, I certainly hope my girls have learned that yes, in fact, girls can go camping...  And someday recognize all of the other lessons that can come with it...  And have a great time while they are out there!

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