Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A month of photos

We went on the annual trip to Meramec State Park with friends.  Hiking, bonfires, all sorts of good stuff.  Holden particularly enjoyed the attention, including getting to take a bath with an adoring crowd.
 Downtown Children's Center had its Fall Festival, complete with popsicles, pony rides, and a petting zoo.  There is some debate at our house as to whether or not Noella is allergic to llamas and/or goats.

 Avery also had its Fall Festival the same week.  Mariel and Patrick went for a "late" night adventure and came home with goodies, bellies full of cotton candy, and face painting.
 This weekend we went to a friend's Halloween party. You will note that there are no incriminating pictures of me (yet), but I did go as a pumpkin.  Patrick is very proud of his new costume.

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