Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Best and The Worst
 The best part of the day: 
Mariel FINALLY lost her first tooth.  We are all looking forward to the tooth fairy visiting tonight. Patrick and I were quite shocked when she came out of the bathroom after dinner announcing "I pulled out my tooth!" Since absolutely looses control and freaks out at the thought of a splinter or tweezers or any minor medical intervention, this was very brave of her. She said that her friends at school told her what to do.  
The worst part of the day: 
Noella and I saw this morning that Hudson's ear was puffy. By the time I took Mariel to school it was swollen to the size of a water balloon, with her entire ear filled with fluid.  I had visions of coming home to a house covered with whatever comes out if a dog's ear explodes, and so cancelled my first class to take Hudson to the vet.  She had an aural hematoma, and with the severity of it the only real option was surgery (you can google it if you want some very gross pictures).  Doesn't everyone love an emergency dog ear surgery?  No?  How about 30 days of an Elizabethan collar?  I don't think Hudson is going to be happy about this.  I am not!

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