Sunday, October 16, 2011

Two Cardinals and a Rally Squirrel
We are ready for the baseball game tonight!

We just came home from church, one of Noella's favorite weekly activities.  Several times a week she asks if it is church day, and she is always excited when that actually comes.  She loves singing and the sharing peace.  I think she also knows that she is incredibly cute and enjoys the attention from other parishoners as she kneels and politely folds her hands in prayer.  Her favorite song these days is something she calls "Lu La Pre Sa."  It took me a little while to figure this out, but it is her version of "Alleluia, Praise the Lord," which Mariel has taught her from the Children's Liturgy. 
Today, the congregation was schedule to hear the choir sang a new song for us- many responsorial psalms and such will be changing soon due to a new translation from Rome.  The church all sat quietly listening, with the exception of one small 2 year old, belting out her own version of "GOD GOD LULA."  She keeps us smiling!

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