Monday, June 13, 2011

One Month Old
Holden weighed in at 11 lbs 4 oz this morning and was 22 1/4 inches.  He is following in the footsteps (and extra chins) of Noella as an infant. Here is the traditional monthly picture, although since Holden was not too interested in posing for me I have included two.

Holden is generally a good baby and (thankfully) takes substantial naps during the day, which frees up my hands to deal with the girls a lot.  He obviously eats well, and he is starting to take more interest in the world around him.  Ceiling fans and being outside are usually good entertainment.  He does OK at night, although both Patrick and I would love a bit more sleep.  The good thing about the third child is that we are relatively resigned to exhaustion, and also have reasonable hope that we will sleep again... someday...

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