Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!
 We were up early for lots of Easter basket fun, with lots of arts and craft projects.  The Easter bonnets were a big hit (good job, Grandma) and even matched our pajamas!  Easter morning seemed to begin a bit earlier than Patrick and I were ready for.  Surely Jesus waited to rise until a reasonable hour- at least 9 or 10am?
 After church, we tried a photo session for an Easter portrait.  The pictures are good indicators of what happens when you are a child and get up early, eat goldfish for breakfast, go to church, have some candy, and are desparate to go to your friend's house to have an Easter egg hunt (and more candy). 
 This last one is my favorite.  Not sure I will be framing it, but perhaps it will be saved until Noella's wedding or graduation or other large public event. 
  The Easter egg hunt and brunch at the neighbors were a lot of fun.  The kids managed to get in the egg hunt in between bouts of rain and then head inside for more sugar. 
 And on an unrelated note, me last weekend at 36 weeks.  Now at 37, so hopefully he is starting to consider being born.   One more week of classes and then I am very ready!

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