Wednesday, February 09, 2011

New words
We are enjoying this phase of Noella- excuse, me- Ella's language development.  While there are still plenty of things that we can't understand, her growing and creative use of words is exciting.  It is also reminding us of the funny things Mariel said when she was two.
Some examples:
"Hair Dog"- hair dog is everywhere in our house.  On our clothes, in the tub, even on the dogs.
"Caper"- blanket.  We have no idea where this word came from, but we really love our capers.  The dozen or so baby blankets that have filled our house for 5 years with no real purpose are being used every day.  They wrap babies, they make hats, we just carry them around.  Really, you can't have enough capers.
"Rogi"- Macaroni.  Our favorite food.  The next favorite is pizza, which is now pronounced correctly by Noella even if I sometimes still refer to it as Peetzey.
"Wake it up."  This is how she likes to greet me when I come into her room in the morning.  "All done bed.  Wake it up."  If Patrick is still in bed she likes to tell him to "Wake it up" too.  It reminds us of Mariel use of "Shut it up, Mommy" when she was two.

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