Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I don't usually blog from work. Something about time managment, training on ethical use of state property (yes, I do still work for the state of Illinois), or similar.
However.... I am actually laughing out loud reading over my class content evaluations for the summer semester.  I often have classes do this to comment specifically on topics, assignments, etc along with the more generic ones that they do through the university.  I read all of them and usually find some positive, some critical, and generally a few helpful comments.  This particlar evaluation strays a bit outside of the standard comments that I tend to get, obviously intended to amuse both the writer and reader, and deserves to be shared.  See below:

Introduction to coursse: YAY! The first day of school!

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2: Ya! Its time for school today!

Chapter 3 and primary documents (App 1-5)/ Collective Action Homework: Awesome! Homework!

Chapter 4/ Civil Rights Homework: Wow! This class is still interesting.

Chapter 5/ Paper Preparation/ Civil Liberties exercise:  Oh my God, I can’t stop taking notes.

Chapter 6/ Congress Homework:  Jesus, why do I care so much?

Chapter 7 and Chapter 8:  I'm still interested!

Chapter 9/ Judicial Decisions Homework:  The level of awesomeness of this class has reached critical levels.

Midterm/ Jeff Smith documentary: I want to be in Congress.

Chapter 11/ Research Paper/ Cong office visit:  Killed that paper.

Chapter 10/ Public Opinion Homework: What? I don’t want it to be over.

Chapter 12 and Chapter 13/ Interest Group Homework:  Dumb summer session. Why’d you have to be over?

Chapter 14 and Chapter 15: Yay, school’s almost over!

One more class, and then I get to be out for almost two months.  I have plenty of work to do, but am looking forward to a break from the day to day legwork of teaching.  So I second the last comment: Yay, school is almost over!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Ah, college students. I sometimes get feedback from them on our products and it's always very entertaining!